
May 09, 2005

I'd like to introduce you to a world that has many wonders...


I’d like to introduce you to a world that has many wonders, the world of owning horses. My venture into this world has given me significantly more than just a fun ride on a big animal, and whether you look at horses as “Big dogs with saddles” or “Dirt bikes with hair,” there’s an amazing transformation of spirit that is available if you venture into horse ownership with your heart engaged.

If we met at a party, it wouldn’t take me long before I’d be talking about my horses. There are so many fun stories associated with them, and when I share the stories people who know horses usually nod in recognition and those who don’t know horses are usually amazed that such horse/human relationship is possible.
Please allow me to introduce you to my life with the four leggeds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peggy i love the stories of buck, nikki, and buckwheat. in buckwheat's nickname list you forgot toad-muffin! this is an awsome sight!