I thought I'd do a bit of blogging on an event that's unfolding in the my life and the lives of my horses. I have had my 2 big horses and 5 minis in a 3 acre area for the last 8 years. They each have access to some open grazing/turn out, as well as a more secure night-time paddock for the minis. 2 weeks ago I was told I needed to move, part of the lot had been sold. I do have a place to which we'll move in the next few months, but in the meantime, I'm needing to downsize their areas as well as move paddocks to different portions of this lot.
I'm sharing this because it means a lot of adjusting for the horses as well as myself. It means watching them check out new territory, learn new fencing, cope with changes in their herd dynamics. It's the stuff that horses and horse owners go through, but with the help of the clicker, some management tools and careful observation I'm hoping it will go smoothly.
I'm also hoping that by sharing this journey, some of you may gain from the experience. ~~Peggy
I'm also hoping that by sharing this journey, some of you may gain from the experience. ~~Peggy
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